Monday, March 7, 2011

A001 Stimulus onset - Left, right, fast, slow -- collapsed


(1)Create $Datahome/02_script/03_A001_Combined_ERB_2.5cm run beamformers
In dataset that is aligned to the onset of stimulus, there are two folders:
ANALYSIS_A001: stimulus onset
ANALYSIS_A002: velocity onset

(2)normalization for the ERB (A001 correct and err), in matlab run:

(3) scripts for ERB permutation
New function, changed the parameters, plot_permutation_tfr_sheng_v2.m

Combo_A001_permute_batch(1,50)  % start time, end time, unit 10 ms for correct and error permunation

!!! Check log file after running !!!

(4) permutation threshold, plotting glass brains
    D:\MEG\joe\data\7_SPM2\02_averaging\A001_Correct (local)
       Saved threshold and max scale in 
       tCorrectA001.xls ==> tCorrectA001.mat
       Server: /Users/joseph/data/data/7_SPM2/02_averaging/A001_Correct/

       tErrA001.xls ==> tErrA001.mat  
       Server: /Users/joseph/data/data/7_SPM2/02_averaging/A001_Err/

  Combo_A001_Correct_glassBrain(1, 50, 1, 1)
  Combo_A001_Err_glassBrain(1, 50, 1, 1)


Gitelman, D. R., A. C. Nobre, et al. (1999). "A large-scale distributed network for covert spatial attention." Brain 122(6): 1093-1106.

Fig. 6 Foci of activations in the temporo-occipital region. Filled circles (d) denote the locations found in the current study. The foci of activations in MT (E, G, C) and an area subserving movement-related knowledge (e) are taken from several previous studies (Zeki et al., 1991; Martin et al., 1995; Beauchamp et al., 1997; Dupont et al., 1997; Chawla et al., 1998).

 Spatiotemporal Activity of a Cortical Network for Processing VisualMotion Revealed by MEG and fMRIAHLFORS